Monday, June 22, 2009

What is YOGA?

Yoga is nothing but harmony of forces. To understand this one need to go in details about some scientific concepts we have learnt till today.

Many of us have studied the LAW OF CONSERVATION, which states " Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. One type of energy get converted in to another." Many of us have also studied the QUANTUM MECHANICS/PHYSICS. It defines the Dual Nature of Matters, which states the subatomic particles like quark , colors behaves like particles as well as waves. If one tries to co-relate all these scientific laws can easily conclude that everything in the universe is nothing but energies. Energies influence each other and their properties get changed which is manifestation.

Human body is constructed by different types of substances (energies) working together. Same principle applies to universe. Learning Yoga is nothing but learning about keeping the energies in harmony, realizing the energies. Secrete of good physical health and healthy mind lies in harmony of energies within one's body and with the external universal energies.

Then question comes what's the way to achieve this?
To understand this we need to understand what's subconsciousness. It's the energies which define one's body with prana.In other word it's vast records of information across our incarnations, which is not directly recallable by our mind. To prove it if we put two people in same situation where they need to react fast, they will react it differently. These instant reactions are driven by our subconscious. If we sit quitely and start observing the thoughts coming in our mind it will reflect the state of our subconscious.

Some simple steps can be followed to become yogi are as follows:
- Observe, witness the thoughts ( energies).
- Train ourselves to subsidize the negative thoughts which creates disharmonies.Promote the constructive thought in mind.
- Slowly develop state of mind without any thoughts and being in that state for longer time period. It's easier to say and very hard to achieve. It comes with practice and dedication. This will help the forces to work on there own without any negative interference and all forces will start working in tandem.

Another way is to concentrate on particular object or though such that if one persists in concentrating the mind on any one given thing until one reaches the summit of the realization of the essence of the object or though getting manifested.


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