Kundlini is the enormous source of energy. Human body consists of source of kundlini energy (prana/sexual energy) and it has a distribution network called nadis. Nadis connect at special points of intensity called chakras. Activating this kundlini and raising it thourgh different higher level chakras is know as kundlini yoga. But one has to very careful activating it. One has to prepare himself/herself to handle this enormous energy.
Source of kundlini energy is in Muladhar chakra, which is at the base of spinal cord. We have three main nadis called Ida , Pingala and Sushumna. Out of these Sushumna is at center and Ida( negative polarity) and Pingala (positive) are left and right side respectively. Sushumna is the nadi which connects base chakra ( Muladhara) to crown chakra (Sahasrara). We have other chakras swadistana (navel), Manipura , Anahata ( heart) , Vishudha(throat), Ajna (Third eye) in order between Muladhara and Sahasrara on the Sushumna.
We all know if one tries to pass high level of current in the distribution network which does not have the capacity to handle it. It may destroy the distribution network along with the electrical equipment attached to it. Same principle applies here. If one tries to awaken the kundlini without making sure the nadis are purified, have capacity to handle the prana passing through it, It can cause physically harm to the sadhaka.
One will ask, Why we need to learn about kundlini?
There are so many ways to raise ourselves spiritually like Bhakti Yoga, Raja yoga,Gyan yoga , Tantra yoga, karma yoga. Whatever ways is/ are chosen by sadhaka for raising spiritually is raising the kundalini to higher chakras itself. All these disciplines are considered safer than Kundlini Yoga as these gives the less important to awaking the kundlini and gives more importance to purify nadis before kundlini is getting awakened.
We all know the story of elephant and some blind persons. They touch the elephant and tries to define the elephant. As they are touching the elephant's different parts there definitions are also different.
Similarly our problem is that as a learned person we do not accepts the new things as it is! We are not open in thinking that there are things which are not realized to us. We have to raise ourselves above and try to co-relate the small pieces of puzzles which we have realized and try to form a bigger picture. Like the blind persons in the story, we are binding ourselves to five physical senses. One need to raise oneself and try to be open for there are many things which are not realized by our physical senses.
Recently I came across one very good site
This site provides a very good in site about spirituality with some scientific approach. It explains the brain functioning and brain mapping results after studying the yogis and other activities.