Universe is the lovely manifestation of forces dancing together, opposing each other and influencing each other. These universal forces have there own properties which defined the it's purpose being in universe. For example mother earth /woman (feminine forces) has re-productive ,caring in nature. Where as masculine forces has creative /constructive in nature. Shiva( masculine forces) and Shakti when unites (feminine forces) these manifest in to wonderful constructive things.
As we have discussed every forces has it's own purpose. If these forces are freely expressing/ flowing it becomes lively. When If it stops flowing it becomes dead. Does it mean that every thing is disappeared in the thin air? It does not. As it could not manifest it get chanalized in to some other form of energy with different purpose (Law of conservation of energies). This can also be known as incarnation. And exactly same thing happens when any living thing become dead.
So when it comes to any forces, one need to chanalize these forces it can be done in three ways. One should enjoy the outcome of energy for themselves (Bhoga), use if for constructive /creative things (Karma) or if one could not use it, it should be given to somebody who can make use of or in need of it(Dana- Donations). In other cases the forces will be dead and re-incarnated as some other forces. Then what is the difference here is unnatural incarnation of force not completing it's purpose.
As human being we should try either enjoy whatever we have , make use of it for helping somebody or give it to other person to use. We need to make sure that we help that force, thing or person to achieve it's intended purpose of it's existence and finally achieve natural re-incarnation for another purpose.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Is there any thing called right or wrong?
When we talk about right or wrong ? We need to understand two famous scientific laws every action has equal and opposite reaction and theory of relativity.
The law of action and reaction says for every action there will be equal and opposite reaction. This means in universe for every given force there is counter balancing force exists.
Where as theory of relativity states every thing is relative nothing is absolute. If we stand facing north, sun will be rising at our right where as If we face south it will be left.In the same ways there is nothing called absolute right or absolute wrong. It just relatively right and wrong in context of the situation. Same thing which is right can be wrong in some other context. The rain in February is good for drinking water supply for cities in India but bad for food grain production and so on....
If we start talking the examples from Mahabharata/ Ramayana like Naro-Wa-Kunjara episode of Krinshna, Draupadi marrying with five padavas, Ambika and Ambalika getting conceived by RishiVeda Vyasa, Rama leaving Sita or may be it Sita's Agnipariksha. There is enormous instances where we will start thinking was this right thing happened/did in the great tales?
Then how to take a stand or take a decision which way to go? If we follow the basic thumb rule of being supportive to the forces which are constructive and for betterment for majority in long run, we have the answer. Where as, as a human being we have a tendency to define the rules at large as laws, as the rituals or guidelines by shastra or it may be whatever we have learnt and try to bind all forces by it. Is it possible binding all forces by rules? Even modern science also agrees on every rules has exception(s). So rules , experiences can be guidelines for predicting how forces will behave, but it's not the way it will behave. Every situation in life is different and need to be dealt as if we are experiencing it at the first time.
The law of action and reaction says for every action there will be equal and opposite reaction. This means in universe for every given force there is counter balancing force exists.
Where as theory of relativity states every thing is relative nothing is absolute. If we stand facing north, sun will be rising at our right where as If we face south it will be left.In the same ways there is nothing called absolute right or absolute wrong. It just relatively right and wrong in context of the situation. Same thing which is right can be wrong in some other context. The rain in February is good for drinking water supply for cities in India but bad for food grain production and so on....
If we start talking the examples from Mahabharata/ Ramayana like Naro-Wa-Kunjara episode of Krinshna, Draupadi marrying with five padavas, Ambika and Ambalika getting conceived by RishiVeda Vyasa, Rama leaving Sita or may be it Sita's Agnipariksha. There is enormous instances where we will start thinking was this right thing happened/did in the great tales?
Then how to take a stand or take a decision which way to go? If we follow the basic thumb rule of being supportive to the forces which are constructive and for betterment for majority in long run, we have the answer. Where as, as a human being we have a tendency to define the rules at large as laws, as the rituals or guidelines by shastra or it may be whatever we have learnt and try to bind all forces by it. Is it possible binding all forces by rules? Even modern science also agrees on every rules has exception(s). So rules , experiences can be guidelines for predicting how forces will behave, but it's not the way it will behave. Every situation in life is different and need to be dealt as if we are experiencing it at the first time.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Freeing ourselves - Achieving boundless
Human being has endless capacity /capability of achieving anything. One can achieve whatever other can achieve and more. Then what makes us to limit ourselves? Is it the negativity in ourselves? Is it what we have learned till now? Is it what we have concluded till now? or Is it what we defined ourselves as some personality?
If we see many of the time one gives up saying it's not my cup of tea. This happens even without trying. If we have seen a kid trying to do some thing, it tries and then conclude. Where as we grow up learning we conclude without trying. Even though in some cases we does not posses sufficient knowledge or done sufficient exploration.
So one should avoid to reach any conclusions and just try to get the essence of that moment. Non concluding is most important factor as life itself is moving and changing. In simple words everything around us is changing, including the mind set of people around us (including us) then how we can conclude something for forever. Whatever we do in that moment should be best possible thing we can think and do. One has to have fresh look at the situation every time.
When one start expressing without any mental blockages , without with-holding anything, getting essence of the situation, then things start falling in line. One should be fearless but not reckless. It becomes purest expression of ones thoughts and one can achieve boundless and immortal things. One will start possessing the MIDAS TOUCH.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
What is Kundlini yoga?
Kundlini is the enormous source of energy. Human body consists of source of kundlini energy (prana/sexual energy) and it has a distribution network called nadis. Nadis connect at special points of intensity called chakras. Activating this kundlini and raising it thourgh different higher level chakras is know as kundlini yoga. But one has to very careful activating it. One has to prepare himself/herself to handle this enormous energy.
Source of kundlini energy is in Muladhar chakra, which is at the base of spinal cord. We have three main nadis called Ida , Pingala and Sushumna. Out of these Sushumna is at center and Ida( negative polarity) and Pingala (positive) are left and right side respectively. Sushumna is the nadi which connects base chakra ( Muladhara) to crown chakra (Sahasrara). We have other chakras swadistana (navel), Manipura , Anahata ( heart) , Vishudha(throat), Ajna (Third eye) in order between Muladhara and Sahasrara on the Sushumna.
We all know if one tries to pass high level of current in the distribution network which does not have the capacity to handle it. It may destroy the distribution network along with the electrical equipment attached to it. Same principle applies here. If one tries to awaken the kundlini without making sure the nadis are purified, have capacity to handle the prana passing through it, It can cause physically harm to the sadhaka.
One will ask, Why we need to learn about kundlini?
There are so many ways to raise ourselves spiritually like Bhakti Yoga, Raja yoga,Gyan yoga , Tantra yoga, karma yoga. Whatever ways is/ are chosen by sadhaka for raising spiritually is raising the kundalini to higher chakras itself. All these disciplines are considered safer than Kundlini Yoga as these gives the less important to awaking the kundlini and gives more importance to purify nadis before kundlini is getting awakened.
We all know the story of elephant and some blind persons. They touch the elephant and tries to define the elephant. As they are touching the elephant's different parts there definitions are also different.
Similarly our problem is that as a learned person we do not accepts the new things as it is! We are not open in thinking that there are things which are not realized to us. We have to raise ourselves above and try to co-relate the small pieces of puzzles which we have realized and try to form a bigger picture. Like the blind persons in the story, we are binding ourselves to five physical senses. One need to raise oneself and try to be open for there are many things which are not realized by our physical senses.
Recently I came across one very good site
This site provides a very good in site about spirituality with some scientific approach. It explains the brain functioning and brain mapping results after studying the yogis and other activities.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Principle of Detachment
Recently I came across a blog from one of my very good astrologer friend Milind Chitambar
He has discussed the "Mandate of your life this birth" exceptionally well!!! Whatever he talked about "Karmik debt and reward" is the expression of whatever we have done/happened in the past. It's the basic principle of universe. We also know this as Punya and Papa.
The good karmas and bad karmas we do,get recorded in our chitta(individual and cosmic consciousness). And these get manifested in future as sukha (harmony with universal forces) and dukha (disharmony with universal forces).This becomes the endless loop as past karmas drives your today's karmas and today's karmas will drive the tomorrow's.
Then question comes how to break this cycle? Here comes the Principle of Detachment in picture. It's the essence of Bhagwad Gita. It say's -
- Do the karmas/kartavyas(duties) selflessly.
When we start attaching self (I, Ahum) to karmas then we start having expectations. The expectations is at the base of all evils. We name it (Jelosy,greed,anger,hate...) we will find the expectations at the base. And I/AHUM at the base of expectations.
To elaborate more on detachment, we can take an example. If some one is working as engineer/manager,then he need to discharge his duties with full devotion and selflessly. It does not mean that work without any wages. If one does so then how he will fulfil his obligations toward his family? It also does not mean that work at half of the wages one should get. It becomes injustice. One need to fight injustice or somebody not doing his duties.
Here I am discussing the Grihasta,Not Sanyasi's. It's easy to detach oneself as sanyasi but difficult as grihasta. Imagine the universe with all forces refusing to do there duties. Imagine river stops to flow, air stops to blow. That's why grihasta has higher status than sanyasi's.
He has discussed the "Mandate of your life this birth" exceptionally well!!! Whatever he talked about "Karmik debt and reward" is the expression of whatever we have done/happened in the past. It's the basic principle of universe. We also know this as Punya and Papa.
The good karmas and bad karmas we do,get recorded in our chitta(individual and cosmic consciousness). And these get manifested in future as sukha (harmony with universal forces) and dukha (disharmony with universal forces).This becomes the endless loop as past karmas drives your today's karmas and today's karmas will drive the tomorrow's.
Then question comes how to break this cycle? Here comes the Principle of Detachment in picture. It's the essence of Bhagwad Gita. It say's -
- Do the karmas/kartavyas(duties) selflessly.
When we start attaching self (I, Ahum) to karmas then we start having expectations. The expectations is at the base of all evils. We name it (Jelosy,greed,anger,hate...) we will find the expectations at the base. And I/AHUM at the base of expectations.
To elaborate more on detachment, we can take an example. If some one is working as engineer/manager,then he need to discharge his duties with full devotion and selflessly. It does not mean that work without any wages. If one does so then how he will fulfil his obligations toward his family? It also does not mean that work at half of the wages one should get. It becomes injustice. One need to fight injustice or somebody not doing his duties.
Here I am discussing the Grihasta,Not Sanyasi's. It's easy to detach oneself as sanyasi but difficult as grihasta. Imagine the universe with all forces refusing to do there duties. Imagine river stops to flow, air stops to blow. That's why grihasta has higher status than sanyasi's.
Monday, June 22, 2009
What is YOGA?
Yoga is nothing but harmony of forces. To understand this one need to go in details about some scientific concepts we have learnt till today.
Many of us have studied the LAW OF CONSERVATION, which states " Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. One type of energy get converted in to another." Many of us have also studied the QUANTUM MECHANICS/PHYSICS. It defines the Dual Nature of Matters, which states the subatomic particles like quark , colors behaves like particles as well as waves. If one tries to co-relate all these scientific laws can easily conclude that everything in the universe is nothing but energies. Energies influence each other and their properties get changed which is manifestation.
Human body is constructed by different types of substances (energies) working together. Same principle applies to universe. Learning Yoga is nothing but learning about keeping the energies in harmony, realizing the energies. Secrete of good physical health and healthy mind lies in harmony of energies within one's body and with the external universal energies.
Then question comes what's the way to achieve this?
To understand this we need to understand what's subconsciousness. It's the energies which define one's body with prana.In other word it's vast records of information across our incarnations, which is not directly recallable by our mind. To prove it if we put two people in same situation where they need to react fast, they will react it differently. These instant reactions are driven by our subconscious. If we sit quitely and start observing the thoughts coming in our mind it will reflect the state of our subconscious.
Some simple steps can be followed to become yogi are as follows:
- Observe, witness the thoughts ( energies).
- Train ourselves to subsidize the negative thoughts which creates disharmonies.Promote the constructive thought in mind.
- Slowly develop state of mind without any thoughts and being in that state for longer time period. It's easier to say and very hard to achieve. It comes with practice and dedication. This will help the forces to work on there own without any negative interference and all forces will start working in tandem.
Another way is to concentrate on particular object or though such that if one persists in concentrating the mind on any one given thing until one reaches the summit of the realization of the essence of the object or though getting manifested.
Many of us have studied the LAW OF CONSERVATION, which states " Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. One type of energy get converted in to another." Many of us have also studied the QUANTUM MECHANICS/PHYSICS. It defines the Dual Nature of Matters, which states the subatomic particles like quark , colors behaves like particles as well as waves. If one tries to co-relate all these scientific laws can easily conclude that everything in the universe is nothing but energies. Energies influence each other and their properties get changed which is manifestation.
Human body is constructed by different types of substances (energies) working together. Same principle applies to universe. Learning Yoga is nothing but learning about keeping the energies in harmony, realizing the energies. Secrete of good physical health and healthy mind lies in harmony of energies within one's body and with the external universal energies.
Then question comes what's the way to achieve this?
To understand this we need to understand what's subconsciousness. It's the energies which define one's body with prana.In other word it's vast records of information across our incarnations, which is not directly recallable by our mind. To prove it if we put two people in same situation where they need to react fast, they will react it differently. These instant reactions are driven by our subconscious. If we sit quitely and start observing the thoughts coming in our mind it will reflect the state of our subconscious.
Some simple steps can be followed to become yogi are as follows:
- Observe, witness the thoughts ( energies).
- Train ourselves to subsidize the negative thoughts which creates disharmonies.Promote the constructive thought in mind.
- Slowly develop state of mind without any thoughts and being in that state for longer time period. It's easier to say and very hard to achieve. It comes with practice and dedication. This will help the forces to work on there own without any negative interference and all forces will start working in tandem.
Another way is to concentrate on particular object or though such that if one persists in concentrating the mind on any one given thing until one reaches the summit of the realization of the essence of the object or though getting manifested.
Welcome to All....
Hi All,
I am a student of yoga, spirituality from 7-8 years and trying to understand what's lies beyond my understanding. The ultimate universal knowledge ( bramha gyan). Slowly my horizons are getting increasing but still it's miles away from what I am looking for. May be it will take years after years... Incarnations after incarnation....
Here I am trying to share what I realized, which may help my co-seekers!!!
I am a student of yoga, spirituality from 7-8 years and trying to understand what's lies beyond my understanding. The ultimate universal knowledge ( bramha gyan). Slowly my horizons are getting increasing but still it's miles away from what I am looking for. May be it will take years after years... Incarnations after incarnation....
Here I am trying to share what I realized, which may help my co-seekers!!!
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