Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Open mindedness, dedication and patience

One can do what other can do. Then what makes us different from others in what we can do and have archived?

If you ask me it's the receptiveness, patience and dedication. Receptiveness is also can be called as open mindedness. If we observe us closely we are open for things which are interesting for us, which make us happy. But at the same time we block the ideas which makes us uncomfortable, uneasy. What makes one uncomfortable might be well received by some other person.

As a normal human being we do not want to venture in unknown territory. We want to be in comfort zone avoiding to confront the unknowns. It requires lot of courage to venture in unknowns knowingly. One can not achieve status-quo for long time in life when life itself is like flowing water in river, ever changing like time. We try not to change ourselves with time and end up in misery as everything has changed with time.

Once a well known yogi went to a person who was well versed in Upanishads. He told him that he is great yogi and came there to learn about Upanishads. Learned man told yogi to come on next day. When yogi went back, again he was told to come next day. This happened three-four times and yogi lost his temper. He asked the learned man why he is not teaching him Upanishads. He told him that ' I know you are great yogi but you are still not eligible for gaining the Upanishads knowledge'. And he told yogi to come back after a year.

So what went against the yogi? The ego of being a great yogi and thinking that learned man will easily being impressed and he will readily accept him as deciple. Another factor went against him was the patience. Probably he would have been asked to come couple of times more and the guru would have been satisfied with his urge (Bhakti) and yogi would have been passed to his criteria.

Haven't we do the same thing every where we go and try to learn something? We always consider ourselves superior that the person teaching us. We do criticize him about what he does not know, about his teaching style, timings and so on , rather than being receptive to what he knows and gain it and move on. Not always we requires the guru to explain the things, anything in universe can express themselves provided we have patience, dedication ( Bhakti) and receptiveness (open mindedness). Innovation is the one of the example of where things explaining themselves and Innovators receiving the knowledge. Then what makes scientists like Einstein, Madam Curie different than common man? The qualities like open mindedness, dedication and patience.

This does not apply to only gaining knowledge. It applies to wherever we are at receiving side. Be it a patient receiving treatment from doctor or be it a student receiving knowledge from teacher and so on...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Is sex good for spiritual growth?

Sexual bliss is as good as meditational bliss provided sexual act is away from obsession, fear, ego, dominating or controlling our partners. But this is not a replacement for meditation, as sex requires two soul to unite selflessly at physical , metal and spriritual levels. Yoga is unification. In meditation one unifies with universe and in sexual act one unifies with their parther. Pure unification in sexual act is a bliss.

Sexual energy is the kundlini energy and is very difficult to control. Human being is trying to control it for ages. If it's not controlled systematically and suppressed it causes the trouble in other aspects of our being. Controlling the sexual energy is like trying to control the water current or a flowing river. Consider blocking a river without channalizing the water, it will do more harm than help. One should not supress sexual energy but need to be channelized it such that it's used for constructive work and raising one to higher self of spiritual levels. If one tries to outright reject it and suppress it , it will find the ways which harms the society in general. If analyzed the causes, a major portion of the crimes happens because of sexual depressions, even in so called civilized world. We as society should have some rules to control the sexual energy and it's effect with due respect. Our society should have a positive outlook towards the sex.

From ages we have been embossed in our mind that sex as low moral thing. If so, have we though about why in first place nature has given sexual urge to us? It's natural as we are hungry, we gets the thought of food, like having sexual urge, getting sexual thoughts. Why to have shame about our natural needs?

In marriages or in general sex is used as tool to dominate other partner, a instrument of ego , a tool to negotiate and so on... Rather it should be used as stepping stone to our spiritual rise. Both the partners understanding each other, instead of using sex to achieve covert agendas, will help one to overcome ego , add a zeal of loving and caring nature to one's being. It will give one enormous satisfaction as one has helped their partner to achieve bliss along with them.

Have we though of just experiencing sexual act without any bonding, as a free flowing act , flowing with our partner to achieve eternal bliss? It's just need to be experienced.

Sex is not a replacement for mediation. We should be very cautious about sex as it can easily be divert us in to negative trends of our spiritual growth. It can make us obsessed, angry , jealous or egoistic. So one has to be careful. As we become used to be in bliss with meditation, one does not need sexual acts. But even then it does not harm indulging into sex as long as one have control on oneself making sure it's not pulling them down. This applies to any worldy pleasures but sexual /redroduction(creation) urge is primitive and it drives the universe.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

God's effect: Relationship between Mighty(Aatman) and Almighty(Parmatman)

I have touched many points discretely about Fate, Power of thoughts , Principle of Detachment , Reincarnations. But here I will try to put together how we interact with the universe.

We have something known as GOD's Effect or Albert Einstein's 'spooky action at a distance'. It says "Once two particles are entangled, a change to one of them is reflected instantly in the other, be they in the same lab or light-years apart." Although this is observed, still scientists are struggling to understand how it happens or formulate it. If realized can be used for applications like teletransporting, communications devices that could span the stars and so on.

As a part of universe everybody is connected to universe. It includes other living and non-living beings in the universe and these get entangled due to their karmas. According to one's previous karmas, other beings (forces) in the universe try to help or oppose. If we talk about somebody hurting someone, then the not forgiving or having guilt feeling causes both beings entangled with each other. And rest is taken care by GOD's effects. Similarly when you do something better for somebody and earns the blessings/ goodwill. That's how the cause and effect (Karmas and Phalas) works and it is the chitragupta system giving the fruits according to one's Karmas.

As we have discussed, thoughts in the mind reflects ones state. And the thoughts influences the entangled beings /objects. These influences get reflected as feelings in the ourselves. These feeling get converted in thoughts and acted up on. This ends up us doing another karma whose effect will realized in future. It means universe conveys it's wish in terms of feelings to individuals. Where as individual conveys it's wish to universe in terms of thoughts using the same GOD's effect. Thoughts causes one acting on his own thoughts and universe creating situations (yog) for helping realizing one's thoughts/wish. So one needs to understand our feelings, regulate the thoughts for being positive and constructive using our mind.

It's very well said in OM SHANTI OM "Kisi Cheez Ko Agar Shiddat Se Chaho Too Sari Kaynat Use Dilane Me Lag Jati Hai".

But mind it what you ask for? One can ask for themselves and others but with good intentions at large.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Can one write his own FATE?

Long time ago in 1999, when I went to US for job. I had lots of friends and their families in Bay Area and specifically in Sunnyvale. One of my best friend was also staying in Sunnyvale with wife, bhaiyya and Bhabhi. We use to meet a lot over weekends. We use to play, go for outings , do swimming and use to have great fun.

As best friends me and my friend use to have lots of arguments and always it use to end in disagreements. In these arguments , I remember one of the discussion on FATE. It was me verses other five (including my wife) in that discussions. I was saying "One has his fate in his own hands." and others were saying it's not. At that time I argued on the basis of my belief.

Today I does not belive it but I know it's the universal truth. As I have grown, I tried to figure out the factors affecting fate and at the base it came to only one factor. That is our thoughts!

Daily we get thousands of thoughts in our mind. But have we tried to realize what our thoughts means? Thoughts are the energy and are transmitted in to universe. You can call it as Prayer,Pledge or Request to GOD(Universe). Our inner self (soul) and the universal soul are connected to each other. And thoughts represent our wish or the wish of universal source. Then question comes how Universal soul communicate to us. These are the feelings what we have time to time. Which get converted in to thoughts and the action(Karma) followed.

In other words our thoughts are our wish and will which represent our FATE. Intensity and repeatation of thoughts affects the how sooner the things gets materialize.

Where as mind has power to control ones feeling and thoughts. So suppressing negative feeling, being constructive, having positive attitude towards life with full of wishful positive thoughts we can write our own fate.

Next time when you are telling some kid like "Don't jump you will get hurt",you are wishing the kid to get hurt. It may be the thoughts which you have expressed to outside world or not. So be careful about what you think. Your thoughts should be used for materializing the constructive things.

Some DOS and DONTS about thoughts:
- Control your thoughts. Don't waste your thoughts.

- Do not think negative for anybody or anything. You may get some short term gains wishing somebody's bad, but in long term it becomes your habit and you will start thinking( wishing) negatively for yourself as well. It's like Bhasmasur, who destroys himself one fine day keeping his hand on his own head.

- Make a habit of thinking positive. Even if you can not control your thoughts, your will be wishing well being of others.

- Sharpen thoughts with intensity, concentration. Do the detailing of related thoughts. This will help increasing the intensity of your wish.

- Suppress the contradicting thoughts. For example say if you are thinking "I want to be rich". You need to make sure there are no contradicting thoughts followed like "Is it possible?" , "Naaa... I can't be rich as I do not have qualification /capabilities/resources" and blah.. blah.. blah... This will immediately negate your wish.

I have came across one very good link on "How miracles are created and received from GOD". Read it at -